Happy Mercury Retrograde

Brace yourselves: Mercury is retrograde for the second time this year and it won’t be the last one for 2022. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise that we were cut off from the internet for a few hours on this very day as connection and communication issues are traditionally known to occur during Mercury Retrograde. On a more positive note, there’s time to finally take a step back from all those ringing and blinking devices and turn inward. Introspection and reflection are key.

Mercury Retrograde

♊️ What makes this retrograde of the planet of the Messenger of the Gods so interesting is that it first wanders through Gemini. As Gemini’s ruling planet, Mercury in retrograde could indicate miscommunication due to gossip. The Twins sign is known to be a social chatterbox that could now show its meaner side. More than ever, it’s best to avoid gossipy behavior. Things could backfire and escalate quickly.

♉️ Mercury will enter the earthy sign of Taurus on the 22nd of May. It’s advised to mark this day in your calendar and notice how possible changes affect your life. It’s about time to listen to your Higher Self and contemplate what your True Will is. What way are you heading and is this what you really want? What is it that makes you happy in life and gives you stability as well? Reconsider your steps towards short and long term goals regarding that which makes you feel grounded and whole, but start new projects and journeys only after the retrograde period. Follow your heart and gut feeling!

The seemingly backward movement of Mercury will be over on the 3rd of June, and its impact will wane until about the 18th of June.

Happy Mercury Retrograde and may the odds be ever in your favor 🌟


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