A Spiritual Guide to Castlefest 2022

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After a hiatus that felt like forever, the gods are in good spirits again. The beloved festival of fantasy lovers, reenactment geeks, Pagans, witches and other likeminded occultural folks will finally take place in 2022. We’re talking of course about Castlefest. Part of the festival fun is that there’s lots to learn and do for the more spiritually inclined among us.

Castlefest 2022 takes place from August 4 to 7 in Lisse, the Netherlands. This Spiritual Guide to Castlefest 2022 brings all religious and spiritual activities together so you know exactly where and when to BE.

In this Spiritual Guide to Castlefest 2022, you’ll learn about:

  • The Divine Patrons of Castlefest: Lugh & Twoia

  • Knowledge and Wisdom at the Castlefest Academy

  • Spiritual Practices Galore

  • Otherworldly Moments

  • Music that Stirs the Soul

  • The Enchanting Festival Market

  • The Grand Ritual: The Celebration of Lughnasadh and the Wicker

  • Coming Home Again


The Divine Patrons of Castlefest

Always present at Castlefest, both materially and in spirit, are Lugh and Twoia.



Lugh is the Celtic God of the Sun and the arts. He is connected to Lughnasadh, the annual Celtic festival celebrated around the time of Castlefest. His impressive life-sized statue is always present on the festival grounds, standing tall and proud while gallantly carrying his spear. Lugh oversees the festival, emanating his strength and radiating his beauty. When encountering his statue, make sure to honor him as is appropriate for encountering such a mighty God.



Twoia is the beautiful, mysterious winged fairy sitting on a rock while looking at a butterfly in awe. Her name is more than just a name. It’s the abbreviation of ‘The Wonder Of It All’. Twoia has a heartfelt, spiritual message for humanity on which one can meditate when encountering this wonderful creature at Castlefest or, in fact, wherever you are:

Twoia asks you not to lose the ability to wonder. On her hand rests a butterfly: an Old World swallowtail. This butterfly, that stands out because of her remarkable colours, is a beautiful creature of nature. She flies gracefully above the fields and fits perfectly in the world of wonder. Butterflies symbolise transformation and encourage you to literally and figuratively embrace your inner fire, to spread out your wings and to never stop looking for what makes you happy. Be who you want to be, pirate or princess, hit the road, experience, love and wonder. Twoia can only applaud that![1]


Knowledge and Wisdom at the Castlefest Academy

Since a few years, Castlefest organizes the so-called Castlefest Academy with lectures, workshops and panel discussions on topics of interest to the festival community. Some of these activities are of a religious or spiritual nature. Hereby Wyldernys’ selection of this year’s Castlefest Academy activities with topics ranging from Paganism and Shamanism to history and the portrayal of history.


Margo Awanata – The Modern Priestess: Enter a World of Magic, Sisterhood, Elements and Rituals

  • August 5, 16:30 – 17:30

Margo is a known face for those interested in the Divine Feminine in the context of the Feminine Mysteries, and organizes and facilitates events at magical places around the globe regularly. She has been at the forefront of spiritual female empowerment by forging strong connections between “wild and sacred women”, as she calls it. Her approach could be defined as a mix between feminism-flavored Goddess Spirituality and Human Potential. The sacralization of the feminine in both the Goddess and one’s own Self is central, and it emanates to everything with feminine qualities, be it Mother Earth, the connection between menses and the phases of the Moon and (Triple) Moon Goddess, or the female body and experience.[2]

Based on her expertise and experience, Margo’s Castlefest lecture will focus on the significance of the priestess within her community from time immemorial to today. According to Margo, the priestess is the living voice of the Great Goddess that can be heard and experienced to those who hear the call. Margo will talk about the essence of this ancient wisdom and how it can be meaningful to us moderns. To experience it directly, Margo will perform a water ceremony for the Earth with all who attend her Castlefest Academy lecture.


The Middle Ages of the North – Diana Spiekhout (Fries Museum)

  • August 5, 18:15 – 19:15

The Middle Ages dark and dull? Think again as dr. Diana Spiekhout will change your mind by showing all the cool and exciting things of medieval times. This lecture will be a preview of the upcoming exhibition at the Fries Museum titled Vrijheid, Vetes, Vagevuur: de Middeleeuwen in het Noorden, which will run from September 10 to January 8. The topic of Diana’s PhD research was the castle-filled medieval landscape, and so she will shed light of the brave knights and beautiful maidens who resided in the Frisian castles, as well as why this is such an inspiration for the contemporary fantasy genre. If you’d like to come to the lecture well-prepared, make sure to read her book Het Middeleeuwse Kastelenlandschap van het Oversticht: De Ontwikkeling van Bisschoppelijke Burchten, Adelijke Huizen en Versterkingen in Relatie tot het Landschap en de Samenleving in Noordoost-Nederland Tussen 1050 en 1450. If you still think the Middle Ages are horrible and boring, read some more such as Peter Raedts’ De Ontdekking van de Middeleeuwen: Geschiedenis van een Illusie.


Faber (Sowulo) & Jonas (Nebala) – Panel Ritual Music

  • August 6, 12:00 – 13:00

Those who have been visiting pagan and fantasy festivals have seen the increasing popularity of various types of folk music, Pagan folk and Nordic Pagan folk. People can have profound (spiritual) experiences during performances, ranging from goosebumps to ecstatic visions and mystical experiences. The band Heilung explicitly states that they aim to heal the connection to ancient roots with their music by “amplifying history”, whereby live performances are described in religious terminology as ceremonies or rituals. Music can thus be an entrance to unknown dimensions of reality transcending everyday life.[3]

The audience experiences a live performance from their side of the stage. However, in this panel discussion, Faber of Sowulo and Jonas of Nebala will share their perspective as musicians and artists right there where the magic happens. They will discuss what is going on both on stage and behind the scenes regarding the ritual of a musical performance, most notably for Nordic Folk.


The Celts – Stichting van Hamel

  • August 6, 13:30 – 14:30

The Celts have fascinated people, especially from the Romantic Era onwards. Today they are still both a treasure chest from which people can draw inspiration, and an enigma shrouded in mystery. What defines Celtic identity – is it language, culture, heritage or something else? Who were the ancients Celts, or, perhaps an even more interesting question to ask, what have people thought who the the Celts were throughout time? The perception of the history of what has been defined as Celtic is a story of its on and a question that many have attempted to answer.[4] Find out if you’re a celtomaniac or a celtoskeptic regarding the burning question of Celticness by attending this lecture delivered by Stichting van Hamel.


Reenactment on TV – Jaap Hogendoorn (Springlevend Verleden)

  • August 6, 18:00 – 19:00

Castlefest is of course a fantasy festival, and we all can feast our eyes and ears with lots of cool tv shows, series and movies based on history or the perception thereof. Jaap, a reenactor and ‘producer of history’, was advisor for the impressive Dutch tv series Het Verhaal van Nederland. With his knowledge of history and eye for detail, he ensured that the portrayal in the series is historically accurate. In this lecture, he will tell more about his role as Reenactment Advisor and how the devil is in the details when it comes to producing a realistic historical television series.[5]


Irish Language: The History of the Irish Language – Daan van Loon (Stichting van Hamel)

  • August 7, 14:00 – 15:00

Stichting van Hamel also offers a workshop on the history Gaelic, which includes the rich world of Irish myths and legends. As a matter of fact, fragments of these texts will be translated on the spot to increase understanding of this ancient language. Daan, who is not only a university lecturer but also a bandmember of Cesair, will teach those attending the workshop on how to asquint oneself with Gaelic while also learning more about the great heroes of Celtic mythology.


Mirjam van Donselaar: Shamanism & Animism: Roots in Siberia, Destination Europe

  • August 7, 15:30 – 16:30

Animism, a concept developed by anthropologist Edward B. Tylor in his 1871 work Primitive Culture, refers to the belief that all of nature is animated, that is, that every human, animal, plant, and stone is alive and ensouled.[6] Mircea Eliade’s definition of the shaman is “An inspired priest who in ecstatic trance states ascends, in spirit or soul, to the heavens on mystical “trips”. He there meets and communes with the celestial powers in order to advance the interests of his fellow men.[7]  In short, he understands Shamanism to be “archaic techniques of extasy.[8] Eliade’s theories have been very influential both within academia and far beyond, but are not without controversy.[9] Shamanism remains to be a fascinating subject both to scholars and practitioners alike.[10]

The lecture by Mirjam – or Izih Deer Kam, which is her shaman name – approaches animism and shamanism from an insider perspective. She has been initiated in a traditional Khakassian shamanic tradition called Spirit of the Wolf and she will explain about her path in this lecture. The cosmological concept of the world tree and traveling the worlds on “mystical “trips”” as Eliade phrased it will be addressed as well. Mirjam will explain about her spiritual practices, such as contacting the spirits that animate the world by altering consciousness with what Eliade would call “techniques of extasy”, and daily rituals such as offerings to stay connected with the helping spirits. The lecture will therefor not only provide insight into Izih Deer Kam’s tradition of shamanism, but will also be a hands-on demonstration on how to incorporate shamanic techniques into your spiritual practice.  


Spiritual Practices Galore

Over the years, Castlefest has been offering more and more to give its visitors a taste of religious and spiritual practices. There is a clear emphasis on all things occultural. ‘Occulture’, a contraction of the words ‘occult’ and ‘culture’, is a concept first coined by the late magician extraordinaire Genesis P-Orridge, and developed further within academia by the Religious Studies scholar Christopher Partridge. The latter defines this umbrella term as “the contemporary alternative religious milieu in the West[11] which has reenchanted our modern world. From this occultural stew, people can adopt, adapt and transform all kinds of alternative ideas, beliefs, practices, values and meaning. It can be argued that the spiritual activities offered at Castlefest belong to this occultural landscape. Whereas some activities are part of a religious or spiritual tradition, others are more ‘free-floating’. There’s something for everyone, whether one identifies as a Pagan, Witch, Wiccan, Occultist, Shaman, Religious, Spiritual, Spiritual but not Religious, so-called Unbound Religious, or simply a Spiritual Seeker. The spiritual practices available at Castlefest can be indeed be adopted, adapted and transformed by the visitor for their own personal occultural bricolage.


De Heidense Bende / The Heathen Gang

The Heathen Gang is a loosely organized bunch and you can find them in the Heidense Bende Village. De Heidense Bende unites various Pagan groups and organizations who offer all kinds of spiritual activities under one name. These groups do not only organize workshops, rituals and community activities, they are also available for information on their tradition or organization and deep conversations on the smaller and bigger questions of life. As a collective, De Heidense Bende has dedicated this year to the theme ‘love’, and they will carry it out as a common thread running through their activities.

For convenience’s sake, we created category headings for such a long list of activities.


Community Building and Knowledge Exchange

De Heidense Bende Opening Ritual


De Heidense Bende Drum Circle


De Heidense Bende Storyjam

De Heidense Bende organizes a Storyjam around the campfire with three renowned storytellers: Tim Talesman, Bastiaan de Zwitser and Abe de Verteller. There is room for everyone to tell their story under about 5 minutes.


Profound Face Painting Experience

Rineke’s body art is one of the most beloved traditions of Castlefest. It’s a great example of Castlefest being a caring community of beautiful people in which each and everyone contributes to making this festival so unique and great. Sitting with Rineke is an experience that transcends the physical aspect of getting paint on your face. Hers is an intuitive process and as your appearance changes, so your soul is stirred.

  • Anytime – led by Rineke


Introduction to Asatru, Workshops and Rituals

De Negen Werelden is a Dutch Asatru society inspired by the ancient ways of our Northern European ancestors. They are available for a chat, and will also organize workshops and activities.


De Stenencirkel

De Stenencirkel is a Dutch group of Druids affiliated with the international Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids. They are happy to tell you more about their Celtic path.


Lecture: The Alchemical Wedding

Frederike will explain about the alchemical processes of nature, transformation, and the magic of unity. As above, so below; as within, so without!

  • August 5, 12:15 – led by Frederike Lautenback (The Pagan Lady) at the Moon Tent


Marjan van den Berg’s Story

Marjan will write a story and then read it out loud to the audience.

  • August 5, 13:30 – led by Marjan van den Berg (The Pagan Lady) at the Moon Tent


Playing Werewolves of Asgard

At the Ravens Inn, you can play Werewolves of Asgard. Sounds like a lot of fun!

  • August 5, 20:00 – led by Ravens Inn

  • August 6, 20:00 – led by Ravens Inn


The Order of the Bear: A Workshop for Men

At the amazing tavern of De Heks en de Krijger in Zutphen, De Orde van de Beer meets regularly, and at Castlefest you can get a taste of this brotherhood. It’s not for the fainthearted. In fact, it’s for men who dare to connect with their masculinity and inner world of primordial emotion.


Rituals and Practices

Smudge Purification by a Priestess or Shaman

If you’re looking for an energetic cleansing, you can get yourself smudged by a Priestess of Shaman at the Smudge Temple.


Playing with Energy

For those who’d like to experience the flow of energy, you can gather at the Tipi for a workshop.


Ritual Quest for the Goddess of Love

You can connect with the Goddess of Love during this ritual whereby you’ll receive Her powerful message on wood.

  • Every Afternoon – led by Ravens Inn


Sacred Dance of the Goddess of Love

During this sacred dance workshop, you’ll feel the love of Mother Earth, the Goddess of Love.


Lesser Medicine Wheel

Learn more about the lesser Native American medicine wheel.


Greater Medicine Wheel

Learn more about the greater Native American greater medicine wheel.


Trance Journey

During the trance journey, Heidy will guide you so you can discover your own roadblocks. The aim is to open up the connection with your heart so the energy of love can flow freely.

  • August 5, from 16:00 – led by Heidy (Ravens Inn)

  • August 6, from 16:00 – led by Heidy (Ravens Inn)

  • August 7, from 16:00– led by Heidy (Ravens Inn)


Shamanic Journey

Experience a guided shamanic journey to connect with Mother Earth.


Jolet’s Love Meditation with Archangel Michael and Rafael Message

Meditate to receive guidance from the archangels Michael and Raphael to experience a sense of true homecoming. This might even feel like a ‘double homecoming’ as the phrase “coming home” is also often used by people to describe this fantasy festival.

  • August 5, 16:16– led by Gabslichthuis at the The Purple Temple of Love

  • August 6, 16:16 – led by Gabslichthuis at the The Purple Temple of Love

  • August 7, 16:16– led by Gabslichthuis at the The Purple Temple of Love



Reading of the Human Design Chart

The Human Design system will aid you in making important life choices based on your inner being. To come well-prepared to the reading with Jan, you can fill out this form beforehand.

  • Anytime – led by Jan at the Healing Tent


Shiatsu Therapy / Massage

Robin will provide healing Shiatsu therapy so life energy can flow freely throughout your body again.

  • Anytime – led by Robin Redbreast at the Healing Tent


Elven Healing Moment

Gab’s elves will provide healing moments throughout the day.

  • Anytime – led by Gabslichthuis at the The Purple Temple of Love


Story Consultation (Visualization, Trance, Reading, Healing)

With his background in storytelling and the deeper meaning of narratives, Abe is able to uncover the deepest roots in the quest for knowledge of the Self. A one-on-one session with Abe can include various techniques, such as guided visualizations, trance journeys, spiritual readings and healing. The aim of a Verhalen Consult is to discover your inspiration and passion, as well as your roadblocks.

We stumbled upon Abe recently and based on what he told us about the experience we think that it’s definitely worth the fee (10 EUR for approximately 30 minutes). It would be good to prepare beforehand by deciding what story, myth or even symbol (for instance, a necklace you’ve been wearing for ages) has always struck a chord with you personally.

  • August 5, between 11:45 and 13:45, and between 19:00 and 21:00 – led by Abe de Verteller at the Healing Tent

  • August 6, between 11:45 and 13:45, and between 18:00 and 20:00 – led by Abe de Verteller at the Healing Tent

  • August 7, between 11:45 and 13:45, and between 19:00 and 21:00– led by Abe de Verteller at the Healing Tent


Healing with the Didgeridoo

Wim will play healing sounds on his didge for you.

  • August 5, 12:30 – led by Wim (De Groene Godin)

  • August 6, 17:00 – led by Wim (De Groene Godin)

  • August 7, 16:00 – led by Wim (De Groene Godin)


Ceremony of Love in Healing Sounds and Magical Messages

The healing sounds to be heard during this ceremony will give you both energy and tranquility. It’s a time for reflection and introspection.

  • August 5, 12:12– led by Gabslichthuis at the The Purple Temple of Love

  • August 6, 12:12– led by Gabslichthuis at the The Purple Temple of Love

  • August 7, 12:12– led by Gabslichthuis at the The Purple Temple of Love


Colors and Chakras for Self-Love

This workshop aims to increase self-love by means of colors and rebalancing your chakras.

  • August 5, 17:00 – led by Esther Foppen (The Pagan Lady) at the Moon Tent

  • August 6, 16:00 – led by Esther Foppen (The Pagan Lady) at the Moon Tent

  • August 7, 12:15 – led by Esther Foppen (The Pagan Lady) at the Moon Tent



Consulting the Oracle

The Oracle is there to provide advice on all your bigger and smaller questions of life.


Rune Reading

The asatruar of De Negen Werelden will cast runes for all your burning questions.


The Secret of the Runes

Rosa Mare will provide rune readings and gives you advice.

  • Anytime – led by Rosa Mare


Pentalogy (Numerology of the Pentagram)

Based on your date of birth, this divination method will shed light on your hidden talents and challenges you might face. The five points of the pentagram are the numerological method to provide insights.



Lydia will read the palm of your hand with the ancient divination method.

  • August 6, 13:30 – led by Lydia Waterreus (The Pagan Lady) at the Moon Tent


Ogham Workshop

Learn how to write your name in Celtic Ogham characters to discover the power of trees. This workshop includes a guided meditation or guided walk.

  • August 5, 16:00 – led by The Pagan Lady at the Moon Tent

  • August 7, 17:00 – led by The Pagan Lady at the Moon Tent



The Wish Arch

All your wishes might come true with this magical Wish Arch. You can add your wish to the arch.

  • Anytime – led by Gabslichthuis at the The Purple Temple of Love


Witches Ladder (Chord Magic)

Paula will explain everything about chord magic.

  • August 6, 14:00 – led by Paula (De Groene Godin)


Love Magic with Herbs

Herbologist Frederike will explain about healing herbs to aid love so you can perform your own love magic.

  • August 6, 17:00 – led by Frederike Lautenback (The Pagan Lady) at the Moon Tent

  • August 7, 13:30 – led by Frederike Lautenback (The Pagan Lady) at the Moon Tent


Creating Magical Objects

Creating a Hunter’s Amulet by Carving Bindrunes in Wood

You can carve bindrunes at the Ravens Inn.

  • Every Morning – led by Ravens Inn


Moon’s Magical Fairy Ornaments

At The Purple Temple of Love, you can be artsy by creating fairy ornaments.

  • Anytime – led by Gabslichthuis at the The Purple Temple of Love


Creating a Heart Chakra Pouch

Paula will guide you so you can create your own pouch to increase the beating energy of your heart chakra.

  • August 5, 16:00 – led by Paula (De Groene Godin)

  • August 7, 12:30 – led by Paula (De Groene Godin)


Creating a Power Talisman with Witch Symbols

Esther will show you how to create a powerful witches’ talisman.

  • August 6, 12:15 – led by Esther Kruijze (The Pagan Lady) at the Moon Tent

  • August 7, 16:00 – led by Esther Kruijze (The Pagan Lady) at the Moon Tent


Creating a Nehalennia Power Pouch

Heidy will help you to create a pouch by the power of Nehalennia, the Dutch Goddess of seafaring.

  • August 5, between 14:00 and 20:00 – led by Heidy (Ravens Inn)

  • August 6, between 14:00 and 20:00 – led by Heidy (Ravens Inn)

  • August 7, between 14:00 and 20:00– led by Heidy (Ravens Inn)


Creating a Power Stick with a Healing Stone Message

Connect your own power with the trees by creating a healing power stick.

  • August 5, 14:14– led by Gabslichthuis at the The Purple Temple of Love

  • August 6, 14:14 – led by Gabslichthuis at the The Purple Temple of Love

  • August 7, 14:14– led by Gabslichthuis at the The Purple Temple of Love


Creating Sacrificial Offerings for the Wicker

Creating a Sacrificial Offering for the Wickerman


Creating a Sacrificial Offer Pouche for the Wickerman


Creating a Sacrificial Offering or Corn Doll for the Wickerman

  • August 5, anytime – led by The Pagan Lady at the Moon Tent

  • August 6, anytime – led by The Pagan Lady at the Moon Tent


Creating a Wickerman Butterfly with a Personal Message


Wicker* Procession

  • August 5, 19:00 – led by The Pagan Lady at the Moon Tent

* Mention ‘Castlefest’ and the Wicker Ritual probably comes to mind soon. Continue reading for more on this breathtaking ritual!


Otherworldly Moments

One of the strengths of Castlefest is that it enchants life for four amazing days. The slogan of the festival says it all: “Where fantasy becomes your reality.” Performance and art add to this experience, so let these artists put a spell on you.


Nodfyr: Running Fire


Green Fairy


Storytelling of Norse, Germanic and occasionally Celtic Myths


Demonstration of Hand Poked Celtic, Nordic and Pagan Tattoos


Music that Stirs the Soul

Frankly, any type and genre of music can stir the soul, sometimes leading to profound mystical experiences. All kinds of bands perform at Castlefest, but quite some of them express their religious or spiritual tradition explicitly. Nordic and Celtic Paganism are most notably major influences and provide inspiration for these musicians. It has led to the emergence of musical genres such as Pagan Folk (popularized by Omnia and Faun), Nordic Folk (such as Wardruna) and the more ambiguous concept of Amplified History (as Heilung define their music).

The Schedule shows the line-up, and when and where each band will make sure Castlefest is a party for music lovers. For the purpose of this Guide, we’d like to highlight a few of the musical groups that contribute to a transcendental ambiance.


Pagan Folk

We’ve already mentioned one of the pioneers of the Pagan Folk genre: the German band Faun. Also from Germany is Waldkauz, who’d like to develop the genre further and self-define as New Wave Pagan Folk. From the Netherlands we have Cesair, merging the sounds of the ancient cultures of the oriental East and occidental West. The Italian group Emian, on the other hand, combines their Mediterranean heritage with a love for Nordic and Celtic culture. In otherworldly fairy spheres we find SeeD from the Netherlands, who define their music as Fae and Pagan Folk. Their song Het Vergeten Volk was used in the Castlefest video Pass the Magic, a community compilation created to (en)lighten everyone’s spirits when festivals were canceled due to you know what. For witchy vibes, Shireen will perform their Witch Pop.


Nordic Pagan Folk

Inspired by Pagan Folk, the Dutch band Sowulo is exploring their own roots. In their own words, Sowulo “celebrates our great pagan legacy and takes an inner spiritual journey.Nebala’s very first performance ever will take place at Castlefest 2022. The project was founded by Danish musician Jonas Lorentzen, and there will be some familiar faces on stage, like Dutch percussionist Rob van Barschot. The band’s name sheds light on where the inspiration for their music comes from: “Nebala means primordial mist in the earliest Nordic language, interpreted as the abyss of absolute potentiality.” It therewith explores the Indo-European roots of Nordic and Vedic cultures that “bring you back to the primordial experience of music itself.”


Celtic Pagan Folk

Prima Nocta from Belgium will play their bagpipes with their catchy Neo-Medieval Rock inspired by Celtic myth. Dancing is also inevitable with the Celtic Speed Folk of PerKelt from the UK. For a “Druidic spiritual experience”, each musician of the Spanish band Ritual Duir represents a Celtic ancestor corresponding to the four cardinal directions and elements. Ulster in the North for Earth, Connaught in the West representing Water, Leinster in the East and Air, and Munster in the South for Fire. In the liminal center is Awen, the eternal source of inspiration.


The Enchanting Festival Market

For those wishing to bring the enchanting atmosphere of Castlefest back home, there’s a huge festival market. Merchants offer a wide range of products and services, and you can find unique items that you’ll hardly find anywhere else. The list here is in no way exhaustive, but fear not. You can find the complete list of merchants here.



By far most people at Castlefest express their own Self by means of their appearance. Fantasy clothing, Celtic, Viking and Medieval outfits, and alternative clothes are all part and parcel of the Castlefest experience. Pagan Ways, winner of the 2017 Bastaard Fantasy Award for ‘best stand’, is a festival regular. The creator of all those beautiful fantasy, pagan, Viking, Celtic, medieval and cosplay outfits, dresses, skirts, tunics, vests, cloaks and more is Wilmy, who was interviewed for Creatures of Castlefest. For alternative fairy clothing, Lila Pixie is there with her lilac-purple tent filled with fairy-like clothes. You can often find Lila and her tribe chanting mantras during kirtans that can lead to transcendental experiences. De Dansende Jak also design their own cool clothing. More alternative clothing can be found at Srilaksmi.


Magical Items and Books

The number of stalls selling magical items is quite big and some also offer Pagan, Wiccan and occult books. The Gift of Magic is one of the few merchants offering any tool, artefact and book a magically-inclined spirit could wish for. Moreover, instore, she has an impressive Witches Library, and Inge, the owner, is also the organizer of the pub moot Hengelo’s Heksencafe. The Native Dutch Clan sells a wide range of spiritual products, including self-made items. For the lovers of all things Celtic, Celtic World is the place to be. Apart from Scottish kilts and Irn Bru, those interested in Celtic spirituality will be pleased with their products. At AnderWereld you can find fantasy books, as well as their famous Mystery Book Boxes.

Witches and Wiccans can continue their shopping spree by visiting Lunadea, who is arguably the most well-known traditional witch of the Netherlands. She most notably sells her own immensely popular books, altar cards, trainings and courses of the Hexcademy, and may offer witchy advice. [Edit 7/26/2022: Lunadea shared that she unfortunately won’t be there with her own stall after all. The good news is that she will be at Castlefest, helping out her father at Artisaen.] At Camile Smeets’ MoonSisters, you can find tools to live and thrive by the power of the moon, such as MoonSisters Cards and her moon calendar. She celebrates MoonCircles with her MoonSisters Community. At Heksig, you can find all kinds of spell kits and magical items. The Violet Cauldron has spiritual products of various kinds. Triskal, also the organizer of the Mystical Fantasy Fair, will be there with a stall filled with a wide range of spiritual products and leather goods.

Great about the festival market are the many artisans selling their unique creations. Magic Within has closely collaborated with Castlefest on multiple projects, such as the design of the recent Wickers. They are best known for their stunningly beautiful otherworldly magical creatures. The Green Man Tuinverbeelding offers garden statues, including a variety of Green Man statues. For glass engravings, burning and woodcarving art, and other richly decorated Pagan, Viking and Celtic items, there’s Tal’s Art. Leatherworking, such as bags and pouches with Celtic and Viking designs and the popular cup holders (or for your drinking horn of course) can be found at Artisaen. Handmade leather products such as pouches, bracelets and more are available at Stixandstones. The stall of Loeros is actually an artwork in and of itself as it’s a self-made wooden trailer. They create items from natural materials such as house decoration and are known for their leather top hats. At Goedvolk you can find Runeraaf with his rune carvings and magical wands. Amber Wolf Workshop offers historical items inspired by ancient Nordic culture. Zielenklanken sell the sound of the soul in the form of ocean drums.


Jewelry and Body Decoration

For handmade bronze and silver jewelry with antler and gem stones inspired by ancient Celtic and Viking culture, the stall of Britt – Fine Art and Design is well-worth a visit. EarthField Creations offer handmade jewelry from natural materials such as glass, gem stones and metal. For a medieval and neo-medieval fantasy vibe, visit Kolderieke Maliën as they work their magic with chainmail. At Jeracraft Ricewriting, they sell various kinds of handmade jewelry – including their famous (at the spot) handwritten grains of rice – and items – such as cute tomtes.

A different form of body decoration is the art of hand poked tattoos. Although, Studio Epona will not do tattoos at the festival, they offer products and can answer all your questions about the art of traditional tattooing techniques and designs.


Nourishment, Herbs and Gemstones

You can nourish not only your soul at Castlefest, but also fill your stomach. Hannie’s Hakhoning is well-known for her honey and bee products, most notably of course her chopped honey (‘hakhoning’) with natural flavors and herbs. Vegans and non-vegans alike can enjoy delicious ayurvedic dishes at the food truck of Vegan Spirit. Andhrímnir will offer their divine Viking food, resembling the gloriousness of what’s served in Walhalla. They are known for their great fish dishes, such as smoked salmon buns.

There are a few stalls of herbalists where you can buy herbs and oftentimes also other wellness and spiritual products. Eleoflora has her own herbal and vegetable garden and offers not only herbs and soap but also courses. Wortel & Cruydt is known for their thematic tea blends and ointments, and they also organize courses on herbs and runes. De Polderkol too has an herbal garden and offers herbs, ointments and courses. The owner is the author of the beautiful book Kruid en Mens. Lastly there’s Het Kruidenheksje who offers herbs and courses.


The Grand Ritual: The Celebration of Lughnasadh and the Wicker

We saved the absolute number one spiritual activity of Castlefest for the last. The Wicker Ritual – need we say more? The ritual of rituals and the ceremony of ceremonies of Castlefest. It might even be the biggest collective Pagan ritual in the Netherlands. For many participants, this is the most profound and personally moving communal ritual of the year.



Castlefest always takes place during the first weekend of August, which is traditionally around the time of the celebration of the Celtic Pagan holiday Lughnasadh. We already saw that Lugh is one of the divine patrons of this fantasy festival. Lughnasadh, then, is the festival (literally ‘assembly’) of Lugh which marks the beginning of the agricultural and spiritual harvesting season. With the cutting of the crops, most notably berries and the raw ingredients for bread, the community can reap what they’ve sown to enjoy the fruits of their labor in the horn of plenty. This Pagan festival has a rich Celtic history which is well-worth learning more about.[12]


The Wicker Ritual

  • August 6, 20:30 – 21:00 – Wicker RitualThe Warrior Spirits – “Ride on the Path of the Life Force” at the Forest Stage

The grand ceremony of Castlefest, the ritual burning of the Wicker. This year, the Wicker portrays a pair of horses lovingly embracing each other. It represents the inner strength of the individual that thrives as part of a bigger community of likeminded spirits. Everyone rides their own path, and this ancient horse power is the fuel to go forth bravely on your course of life. It doesn’t have to be a lonely ride as there’s always the herd that has your back and that’s there to support you as you go. Ehwaz, the rune meaning ‘horse’, seems very appropriate here as its deeper meaning aligns with the energy of this year’s Wicker. The rune can mean riding together in a loving partnership, just like the Wicker horses. As a pair of horses, it shows a perfect harmony between two entities heading in the same direction on the road of life. The Ehwaz rune could therefore be incorporated in a sacred offering to the Warrior Spirits Wicker.

An offering can be created beforehand at home, but there’s also the possibility to craft one during the first days of Castlefest. For instance, at the Heidense Bende. Just make sure that your offering is ethical and that it can be eaten by the flames. The offering itself can have a personal meaning, perhaps even known to you only, but above all sacred. You could thank the Gods, and the offering can be for both closure or to begin a new chapter in your life. As long as it feels right for you. Everyone at Castlefest is free to put their sacrificial offering inside the Wicker Horses from the beginning of the festival until Saturday afternoon. The Priestesses and Priests of the Wicker Guard are there to guide you when leaving your sacrificial offering in the Wicker. They will support you at the entrance of the magical Wicker circle with the sound of their drum, and you’ll have the privacy to perform your own personal (mini) ritual when entering the sacred space. The Guards are also there for you when you’re in need of spiritual guidance or advice. Keep in mind that there can be quite a queue in front of the Wicker though – especially on Saturday. If you’re not able to put your offering in the Wicker yourself, don’t worry. The Wickered Women, La Dutchessa and Lila-Lin, can be found on the festival grounds with a Wickerman Offering Wagon to collect offerings for the Wicker.

On Saturday evening, the Wicker will be ceremonially put to flames in a collective ritual for all to attend. As it’s such a deeply moving and profound sacred event for many visitors, make sure you treat it with respect and reverence. People can be in awe, mesmerized and in trance, sometimes even with tears of joy, but above all enflamed by pure love. Words can’t describe the Wicker ritual. It’s a deeply rooted, primordial and above all enchanting feeling to be experienced. It’s the magic of Castlefest.

For more background information on the Wicker tradition, Castlefest’s recently published book De Wereld van de Wicker: 15 Jaar Wicker Rituelen op Castlefest is a great read. The following video will also give you an idea of what to expect, but frankly, the best way is to just gnostically experience the Wicker ritual yourself at Castlefest.

Castlefest Wickerman Ritual 2015

Going Home Again

We hope you’ll enjoy Castlefest and that this Guide is useful for finding your way around at this magical Otherworldly festival. We can’t wait to come home again (meaning: going to Castlefest) and meet all you beautiful spirits that form this unique community. You’ll most likely stumble upon Wyldernys at the Pagan Ways tent or at Zombit, so feel free to drop by and say hi!


Just a little disclaimer: Dates and times mentioned in this article may be subject to change. You can find the official Castlefest program booklet here.

Did we miss a spiritual activity? Please let us know so we can add it!

[1] See: https://castlefest.nl/en/blog/vana-grimoire-twoia

[2] See also Nevelen van Avalon: de Terugkeer van de Godin and Thou Art Goddess! De Godin Binnen de Hedendaagse Paganistische Godinnenbeweging.

[3] See also Back to the Roots! The Romantic Perception of Germanic Pagans and its Impact on contemporary Paganism.

[4] See also The Changing Scholarly Views on How Celticness Reached Ancient Britain and Ireland and Celtic Christianity.

[5] More on the perception and portrayal of history in fiction see: Maria Magdalena: Van Prostituee tot Heilige, Nevelen van Avalon: De Terugkeer van de Godin, De Nibelungensage en haar Receptie, and Imagining the Inquisition here and here.

[6] Gerhard Schlatter. “Animism” in: The Brill Dictionary of Religion, Edited by Kocku von Stuckrad. Consulted online on 19 July 2022 http://dx.doi.org.ru.idm.oclc.org/10.1163/1872-5287_bdr_SIM_00003. First published online: 2006. First print edition: ISBN: 9789004124332, 20051223.

[7] I.M. Lewis. Religion in Context: Cults and Charisma. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.

[8] Mircea Eliade. Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2004.

[9] See, for instance: Jeroen W. Boekhoven. Genealogies of Shamanism: Struggles for Power, Charisma and Authority. Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 2011, 130; Alice B. Kehoe. Shamans and Religion: An Anthropological Exploration in Critical Thinking. Prospect Heights: Waveland Press, 2000, 3, 6; and W.Z. Park. ‘Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy by Mircea Eliade’. American Anthropologist 67, 5 (1965): 1305-1306.

[10] See also Shamanism and Extase, Bezetenheid en Diversiteit: Een Kritische Beschouwing van Drie Studies Over het Sjamanisme.

[11] Christopher Partridge. The Re-enchantment of the West: Volume 1 Alternative Spiritualities, Sacralisation, Popular Culture and Occulture. London: T & T Clark International, 2005.

[12] See, for instance: Ronald Hutton. The Stations of the Sun: A History of the Ritual Year in Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.


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